Wednesday 24 April 2019


In conclusion, the emergence of HFMD is another challenge for the surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infection caused by a bunch of viruses. HFMD spreads widely in children and infants. It usually occurs in children less than five year, but can sometimes occur in adults too. 

Although the rate of transmission of HFMD is high, it can still be prevented if all parties play a role. Parents play an important role in examining the health of their children at home because if HFMD can be identified earlier it is easy to cure. Immediately bring your child to a doctor if they have HFMD symptoms and take preventative measures to prevent this disease from spreading. The main cleaning steps prevent these hand, foot and mouth disease. 

Parents should ensure that children maintain personal hygiene and surroundings for example wash their hands before eating or after returning from the public place and clean floors because HFMD viruses are everywhere. HFMD is an infectious and fatal disease if severe. The best way to prevent this disease from becoming an epidemic is to practice hygiene by everyone. 

Preventive and continuous surveillance activities throughout the year are necessary to detect epidemics in each district. Therefore, preventive measures can be taken as early as possible to prevent this disease from spreading which can cause large epidemics and mass death. 

To recall back whatever that we have learn earlier here in this blog you can click the link below to understand more through Prezi presentation. Thank you :))

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In conclusion, the emergence of HFMD is another challenge for the surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Hand, foot, and mouth d...