Friday 5 April 2019


What is HFMD? We always heard this acronym but do you know what is it stands for? HFMD or Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is a contagious illness caused by a group of viruses. It spreads through direct contact with the saliva, blister fluid or faeces of an infected person. This disease commonly happens in infants and children below 5 years old as they do not yet have the immunity to the viruses that cause HFMD. Even though it is often referred to young children, this disease can also happen to older children and adults.

HFMD is usually not severe, and most people even without getting medical treatment can recover in 7 to 10 days. However, there are some rare cases that an infected person can develop viral meningitis which need to be hospitalized for a few days. Besides, other rare complications such as encephalitis (brain inflammation) or polio-like paralysis may be fatal.

This disease may happen to a person not only once as it is caused by several different viruses. Furthermore, when someone gets HFMD, they will develop their immunity or protection to the specific virus that caused their infection.

Diagram 1: Number of HFMD Cases by State

Based on the diagram above, the number of HFMD cases by state in Malaysia was recorded from 1st of January until 1st of August in 2018. In eight months only, the total number of HFMD cases were 41,798 cases. The state that recorded the highest number of HFMD cases was Selangor with 12,465 cases. Meanwhile, the lowest number of HFMD cases was recorded by Perlis with only 255 cases.

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In conclusion, the emergence of HFMD is another challenge for the surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Hand, foot, and mouth d...